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How to add a feet field for product width and height

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I'm using Prestashop 1.4.7 and there's only one field for width and height.

It's very important for me to specify inch and feet for product width and height.

So I'm wondering if there is anyway I can add a field for "feet" right next to Inch field for width and height? The feet field must be fraction form. If anyone can help me out, I would very appreciate it.

Or If there's any module for this, please let me know.


Thanks in advance.

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Only for Back office use, or should the website user be able select it as well? If the user can do anything with it, you could consider to add feet widthand height/inch width and height attributes to your products...

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a lot of coding, as you need to change the database (2 extra fields for the product), and all SQL queries for it, the product class to add the two properties, all files where the new properties need to be used, the tpl files to show the fields on the screen etc.

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Do you want to display them in front office?

If no editing is needed, only display you could probably create some javascript-script that, by pressing a button or so, or clicking the value or hovering over it, toggles values and shows the re-calculated value. I'm no javascript programmer though...

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