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Module translation

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Encountering a problem lately, that is bugging me a lot, hope you could

help me.


Here's the problem: I translate modules in Prestashop 1.4.7. but it

doesn't take any action, however I get the notice that it's been updated

successfully. I translate via Back Office > Tools > Translations

> Module translation. There's a default and theme003 theme that I'm

using on my e-shop. The text on default theme seem to stay (no effect) and

disappears on theme003 after updating translation. Please help....

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This problem typically is due to post_max_size in your php.ini. When you save a translation (i.e. move to the bottom) ps saves complete page, not just the translation you were working with. (hopefully they will change this in the future).


So your post exceeds you post_max_size.


Change your php.ini to say 32m

or change your .htaccess file by adding:

php_value post_max_size "32M"

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I have the same problem.


On the same server, version 1.4.5 is working fine. A new shop, clean installation, running 1.4.7 does not update the file.


I have tried deleting the module translation file and afterwards updating through the shop - then the file is created, but has 0 bytes and is empty.


My post size is set to 512M globally on the server.

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