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Anyone help?

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1: to remove/change, you should go to catalog -> click on the edit icon (the one near the big red X) of the category -> you have an image field -> put your image there or erase the one is already there
2: to remove, go to modules -> blocks -> uninstall Manufacturers block v1.0
4: to remove, go to modules -> blocks -> uninstall Block advertising v0.1
5: to edit/add more links, i modify the blockadvertising.tpl file with dreamweaver, you can find this file via FTP in modules/blockadvertising

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To remove the ipods image properly from the index, upload the attached file via FTP to your domain

like this : your-domain.com/your-shop-directory/modules/editorial/

so that the attached file editorial.php replaces the 1 you have on your server.

Then in your site back office select modules/ home text editor = configure / and tick clear image.

and your finished.

Best regards,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Go to yourshop/themes/prestashop/global.css and find a block MY ACCOUNT. There you can modify background color of the block. Remember, you can change other blocks' background colors too, but some of them use shared background. So be careful while playing with them. My Account block will be independent of others.

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I'd like to know where to edit the advertising block. I turned it off for now because I couldnt even move it over to the right column in the positions editor. Any help is gratefully appreciated.


First from backoffice, install the module block advertising. After that you will be able to change its position from one place to other. In modules folder, there is a block for advertising there you can put your own image replacing the original image, you can add hyperlink to image etc. Let us know if you need more help.
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