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Order summary on validation.tpl

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Hello, i have one page checkout, right now when someone will chose payment method he is directed to validation.tpl - final step when client needs to confirm order.


On that page there is summary of order BUT only price "amount to pay XXX"


i think its not enough client should see item that he is buying price + shipping price, his chosen address of delivery


how to do this ?


i see in validation.tpl that price is showing from this:


<span id="amount_{$currencies.0.id_currency}" class="price">{convertPrice price=$total}</span>


so looks like i need to put other span class to show other details, but i dont know exact code, please help

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i found what is responsible for showing total price on validation.tpl


on validation.php:


$total = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH);

$cashOnDelivery->validateOrder((int)$cart->id, _PS_OS_PREPARATION_, $total, $cashOnDelivery->displayName, NULL, array(), NULL, false, $customer->secure_key);



SO looks like validation.php should be modified with getOrderShippingCost etc but i dont know how..

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