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PrestaShop Newbie

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I am brand new to Prestashop; having a little trouble getting things navigated the way I want. One problem I have is that I downloaded files to my computer from the PrestaShop store, most free; but. one template that was purchased, having a problem getting them uploaded to my store. I don't know where the files went. The file that was purchased is stuck where the puchased products from PrestaStore go but I can't get it switched to the theme section so I can use it in my store. Any help would be greatfully appreciated.



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Hi Mike,


Thanks for asking, sometimes I do have a problem putting my thoughts into words. Yesterday, I downloaded some templates from the Prestastore site to my computer. Then, when I went into module, then themes to upload those files to my store, somewhere those files got lost, not sure where they ended up on my site; but, it wasn't where sould have been under themes. Also, yesterday, I purchased a template from Pretastore, that was downloaded to my store; but I can't figure out how to apply that template to my storefront. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to work.


Hope that helps...thanks.


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Yes, I still have them on my computer and when they were downloaded they were already in zip folders. I just uploaded them from there. Is there anything else I should be doing when I upload them? I'm not very computer savvy.


After you upload them using the ThemeInstaller, you should be able to go to Modules > Themes, scroll down about 2/3 of the way down the page and you should have the ability to switch between different themes, as you can see here.



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Hello Mike...got a new problem, maybe you can help me with that. After nosing around the site, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, I finally got everything downloaded like it should be. But, now the template that I purchased from Prestastore shows 3 error messages:1. config xml is missing in the theme path 2. this theme may not correctly use "display store location" 3. config xml theme has not been created for this version of Prestashop.


Not sure what any of this means. Any help would be appreciated.



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