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Prestashop "Pagination" feature not compatible with "Compare" feature

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Not sure if this is a configuration issue or not.


But here is the problem.


In the Back Office under Preferences / Products

I can set the "Products per page" value, lets say to 5.


So now in any category I get to see a list of 5 products

at a time on each page and I can paginate through the list.

So far, so good.


But what if I want to use the "Compare" feature for products that

appear on different "pages" within the pagination series.

There doesn't appear to be a way to do that.

As soon as you advance the paginator, any prior "Compare"

items that were checked become lost.


The problem exists regardless of whether I change the "Products per page"

to 5 or leave it at the default value of 10.


Help a newbie please.

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This is really annoying.


This is the only "hack" I can think of to get around the problem.


1. Set the "number of products to show on a page" to some ridiculously high number (10,000)

2. Then use a jQuery pagination plugin so that products can be progressively hidden/revealed client side.

That way the product comparison feature remains intact.

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Share on other sites was a beta version (or RC), and not a stable version, which explains the lack of responses...


Your best option would be to upgrade to the most recent stable version of Prestashop (you should never use a pre-release version, as there can be many bugs which were later fixed).

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Just fyi to anyone with the same issue.

I upgraded from 1.4.0 to 1.4.7 and now the "compare" function works perfectly!


When I jump to another page in the pagination set or even a different category

the Compare function "remembers" all those products that have been checked.



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