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[SOLVED] need HELP translating module.

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I have a problem which I can't solve myself. I'm trying to translate my themes module, but nothing seems to help. So I think you guys can help me.


Here is my modules code:


<!-- Block user information module HEADER -->
{if $logged}
<div class="v2-header_links floatr" style="margin:7px 30px 0 0;font-weight:700;color:#FFFFFF;height:37px">
 {$customerName} (<a href="{$link->getPageLink('index.php')}?mylogout" title="{l s='Log out' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Log out' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>)
<div class="floatr">
 <a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account.php', true)}" class="v2-signin">
  <span>{l s='Sign in' mod='blockuserinfo'}</span>
<div class="flatclear"> </div>
<!-- /Block user information module HEADER -->


I need to change "Log out" to "Atsijungti" and "Sign in" to "Prisijungti".

But nothing helps.

What I tried:


1) Translating words;

2) Changing <span> atributte to <p>

3) Writing simplest html links


I haven't changed modules name. I'm just out of ideas. Need your help.


Any suggestions?

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Hi Arnytoo,

I took a look at this for you, and you shouldn't have any issues translating this if you go to your Back Office > Tools > Translations > Modules Translations (you can also search for "Sign In" under Front Office Translations just in case) and then search for the Block user information module. Have you already done this through the Back Office? I only see your attempt to do so in the code.



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I double checked them, all of those are translated, front office, backofffice modules. And I know that it's translated corectly, because when I disable this theme user module I get default module that is with the correct translation. So It must be something In this theme... Any more thougts? Sorry for low English.

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Yes as I said this theme has It's own userinfo module. Even on this theme if I disable It's module, and use the default I get the correct translation but It's not the option for me. So there is something with this themes userinfo module.

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Thank you! My rookie mistake was that I first tried to change translation by editting .tpl file by hand and after that I didn't get those fields to translate. Anyways thank you very much for wasting so much precios time on someone who is not giving any profit to your company. Your an excelent helper, keep up the good job. And thanks again ;).

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  • 4 months later...

I have a similar issue with a custom theme module. This module is located in:




I would like to translate this string in the newmodule.tpl file:


<h4>{l s="Informations sur le magasin" mod='blockcms'}</h4>


so in the same folder I've created a file named it.php (I need to translate to italian) and in this file added this statement:


global $_MODULE;
$_MODULE = array();
$_MODULE['newmodule_ae1a4506b85b2f6ea951a71976f30a2d'] = 'Ciao!';


The long alphanumeric string is the MD5 hashing of the original string to be translated, with "newmodule_" preceding it.


Nothing works.


Where am I wrong?

Edited by Falco Stellare (see edit history)
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I have a similar issue with a custom theme module. This module is located in:




I would like to translate this string in the newmodule.tpl file:


<h4>{l s="Informations sur le magasin" mod='blockcms'}</h4>


so in the same folder I've created a file named it.php (I need to translate to italian) and in this file added this statement:


global $_MODULE;
$_MODULE = array();
$_MODULE['newmodule_ae1a4506b85b2f6ea951a71976f30a2d'] = 'Ciao!';


The long alphanumeric string is the MD5 hashing of the original string to be translated, with "newmodule_" preceding it.


Nothing works.


Where am I wrong?


shouldn't your 'blockcms' in this code

be changed to the module name e.g. newmodule?


Try this solution in this topic--> here --inserting new words in a module and translating it.

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