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Huge Database, Extra Ordinary number of Images in P folder, Memory Exhausted Error at the Hosting End

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Hi Everybody,

Our online store has Huge Number of Products. As you all know that each product has 6 images thus makes a total of 575,095 jpg files and are located in P folder.

Once we select a category, jpegs would not load when trying to get more information about a product.

My hosting company says: by creating multiple image directories with no more than 100,000 files in each can resolve this issue because the number of files in one folder are preventing the script to complete and thus causing memory exhausted error.

Kindly, if I could know which hack should be changed to make these changes.

Your kind help would highly be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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575,095 files?? wow... i think its gonna crashed out any ftp software, even for simple ls gonna take a while.. :lol:
im havin the same issue here... PS must find a way to resolve this... 6 image for 1 product, i think is far far too much. in the broadband erra like this maybe is should be better if stay with single image, and let the css/html handle the display size. yes it makes slower to download but is easier to manage, in the end its gonna affect to the performance.
are we gonna have hosting server overload (for resizing, harddrive space, etc) or let the user take a lil' bit more time to download the image... so what we gonna choose??? i preffer to let the user takes more time to download... cheers

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