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Server Move - Back Office OK - Front Office gone

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OK - i must have done a PS move lots of times, but what am I missing here??!?


I wanted to move the site over to a new server. I did this by backing up the cpanel and restoring on the new server.


When I first logged in the back office was all screwed up, because it was looking for the old domain I guess. I soon fixed that with changing the domain - but I do see a warning.....


Your are currently connected with the following domain name:

This one is different from the main shop domain name set in "Preferences > SEO & URLs":


This is obviously a tempary domain. If I make the above match, it screws up the back office. When i try to "View my shop" it does not work. It goes to


define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/~jahwaggy/');

If I change this to "/" the back office goes screwy again....


So clearly I am being rather silly and not seeing the obvious.


Any one shed some light on this?

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Well the plot thickens,,,,


If I click View Product in the BO - it works such as this link'>


But if I remove the URL down to - I get the apache page.


Anyone able to put me out of my misery :)

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