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[Solved] Information Box: Change �Informations� to �Information�

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You will see that each page has an Informations box (on the left, below categories) within which there are 3 links (Delivery, Legal, Conditions).  As I am building an English site I needed to change the spelling of Informations i.e. drop the s at the end.


As I spent hours trying to find this yesterday and couldnt find it in the forum I have posted up my solution.  This may be something that is easier to fix in a later release, but here it is anyway.  As with my other posts, I found this through trial and error if this is not a good thing to change or if there is a better way to do this then please reply. 


The information in the Informations box is controlled within the modules folder.


Click on the modules folder and then select the blockinfos folder


Within blockinfos, double click the file blockinfos.php.  If your pc is unsure how to open the file then use Open With and select Notepad


Scroll down to the bottom of the text in blockinfos.php.  You will see a line of code as follows about 11 lines up:


<img src="'.$this->_path.'logo.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Informations').'" title="'.$this->l('Informations').'" /> '.$this->l('Informations').'


The very last Informations changes the text on the web page, so change it to read Information as below:


<img src="'.$this->_path.'logo.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Informations').'" title="'.$this->l('Informations').'" /> '.$this->l('Information').'


You can also change the text of the items in the Information box too, for example, I have changed the original text from Conditions to Terms and Conditions:


<li><a href="'.__PS_BASE_URI__.'conditions.php">'.$this->l('Terms and Conditions').'</a></li>


Hope this helps,



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Hi Ashley


Glad to see you customized PrestaShop so far :D

For "informations", it's a huge mistake, please accept our apologies for that.

Thanks to you, it's fixed for the 0.8.9 :)


You did right, it was the good place where to fix it ;)


Concerning the replacing of "Conditions", a better method will be (in the 0.8.9) to do not touch the files and edit the translation on the Back-office > Tools > Translations > Modules translations > "us' flag"

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