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[HELP] How I can print a list with all the sales of period?

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Dear Prestashop partners,

My accountant have a request and I'm crazy searching a solution.

I need print a list with all the sales of a period.


The idea is something like:

Paper1, line1: date, number order, name of buyer, address, identification number, total amount

Paper1, line2: date2, number order2, name of buyer2, address2, identification number2, total amount2


etc etc..

Somebody knows how can I do?

Thank you!

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Hi josias,

This is not something you can do by default, but there are a large number of modules in our Addons store that can handle this for you, depending on your specific preferences for how it is to be configured. Here are a few of my favorites:



Export csv orders

XORX Extended Order Export

Export Orders Pro - with customer and product details


I hope this helps.



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