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emails not in a correct format

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Hi all,

just installed prestashop ... great code.
But I have problems when the shop sends out emails.

When I configure only to send out Textmails ... the mail is empty.
When I configure to use HTML I receive something like this:

\n<html>\n<head>\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">\n <title>Nachricht von qprice.de</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n


Any hints?

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all: PrestaShop looks really nice. :)

But I have the same problem, which is critical, because the customers do not receive readable emails.

I looked at the mail source and encountered that the html is encoded as entities. New line characters are also encoded:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/strict.dtd">\n<html>\n<head>\n

Could anyone help me figuring out where this encoding takes place, so I might fix it?

Oh and by the way: The module Mail alerts v1.1 works correctly, so I can receive nice mails, but the customers do not. :(

Thanks in advance,


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I haven't tested the newsletter yet, because I don't intend to use it.

I am refering to every mail sent to a customer during an ordering process: order confirmations, awaiting payment, welcome mails ...

For these mails, we have two bugs (I think): Wrong enconding if sent as HTML or completely empty if sent as plain text.

Can you tell me where to find the templates for these mails?

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To quote Professor Farnsworth: Good news everyone!

I figured out the problem: The german templates contain this "doubled" encoded HTML. So the "bug" is in the german language pack.

It seams like every *.html file in mails/de is wrong. I will decode them and attach them to this thread, so someone can replace them in the language pack.

Thanks anyway. :)

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Okay, I feel a little silly now. Not only because I keep replying to myself.

One (hopefully last question): I could not install the language pack via the admin backend. The files could not be extracted. I checked all the file permissions and could not find any errors. So I uploaded and extracted the files myself. Might that be a problem? Are these HTML files decoded after upload by the admin backend?

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