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Hi not sure if this is the right place but here we go I have emailed presta shop with no joy I got a free template from presta shop have used presta shop before and purchased shops as well.


The issue is I have installed a shop at www.heron-property.co.uk and am sorting it all out when I edit the CMS file it changes the names it he menu eg changed about Us to services but click on services and there is nothing there can any one help or any one have any ideas what I need to do.




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Hi Simon,


Could you enable debugging to see if any error messages appear. It looks like Prestashop cuts out as its trying to show the CMS content which would suggest it runs into a problem and gives up.


In config/config.inc.php line 28 change to the following:

/* Debug only */
@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

(Full details here)


If you then refresh the page you should see exactly whats happening.



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Hi Simon,


Just had a look at the error message, could you check line 431 of the cms.tpl in your themes folder. The error is suggesting theres a '/' there that shouldn't be, or is it out place.


If you look at the file does this look to be the case? Or could you copy/paste the contents of your cms.tpl in

tags here and I can take a look for you.



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Thanks for all your help one more question the quick search bar in presta shop when i unhook it from the page and try to put it in the left hand column i get the error

This module cannot be transplanted to this hook. Any ideas ????


Oh thanks alot for everything

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Thanks for all your help one more question the quick search bar in presta shop when i unhook it from the page and try to put it in the left hand column i get the error

This module cannot be transplanted to this hook. Any ideas ????



Hi cheap-webz,

The PrestaShop hook system is not universal, not every module can be transported to every hook by default. If you would like to have it hooked somewhere that gives you this error, you would need to find someone to do some custom coding for you to make it work there, or search for an existing module that offers this functionality through the Addons store.


I hope this helps.



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Hi Mike thanks for that can you suggest a module that will let me hook this in the left column where i want it ?


Mark i would just like to say thanks for your help am still having an issue with this though http://heron-property.co.uk/category.php?id_category=7


I cant see what is wrong with the code but if you look at the other products soon as i put them on sale it goes but i cant have all the products on sale lol


Many thanks everyone

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Hi Simon no worries,


Thats PHP notice error, and although ideally you want to have absolutely no errors these can be considered very minor, and often you'll find them overlooked by developers due to their insignificance.


Prestashop's debugging set up is quite strict and will show you pretty much everything it can that could be wrong.


Just turn the debugging off and the error will go away, its not an error as such, just a notice letting you know something was overlooked in the code.


As for the search block, which version of prestashop are you using? I've just tried this in and can hook the 'Quick Search block' module to the left column with no issues.



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Hi Mark where you have put it is were i want to put it am using prestashop_1.4.7.0 and it just wont let me hook not sure if am going through it wrong or what please help also i changed the CSS to float the logo left it did it but now for some reason its back right lol help cheers for all your support mate

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Good to hear you sorted the search box!


If you add the following to your global.css your logo should appear on the left:

#header_logo {float: left;}


I've just tried this using Chromes Dev Tools and it looks like it works. If not could it be that the performance / cache settings are turned on and need clearing to see your changes?


This is done in the back office > preferences > performance option, turning Force Compile: Yes and Cache: No (full details in this post). You may need to clear the /tools/smarty/cache/ and /tools/smarty/compile/ folders also.


Let me know if any of that works!



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