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Prestashop cannot connect to FedEx webservices, No error

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"Prestashop cannot connect to FedEx webservices. No error description found."




Account, Meter, API password and key are all set up.


Prestashop reports that SOAP is not enabled but my host (Netfirms) claims that is is enabled.

Below is the SOAP part of my PHP.ini file.




; Enables or disables WSDL caching feature.


; Sets the directory name where SOAP extension will put cache files.


; (time to live) Sets the number of second while cached file will be used

; instead of original one.


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So it's not there then. If Netfirms won't allow it is there a workaround? I asked Go Daddy they say they do not allow it either on their shared servers. I was running FedEx on OSCommerce before and it was working great (still is) without key and password, just meter and account, not sure why Prestashop makes it so hard on this module.

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1) GoDaddy is one of the top 3 worse hosts I know, I would stay away from them at all cost (Bluehost offers a great shared host service with proper control of php.ini and they will install any extension you ask them, http://www.bluehost.com/track/tomer )


2) You OSC may be using an old API, which does not require SOAP, but as far as I know (and I also sell a Fedex module), SOAP is required to their current API.

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Here's what they responded, would that work with Prestashop by modifying the FedEx module?


We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.We don not support php SOAP module. But, we support PEAR SOAP module in our server and it is enabled for your account.


You may need to use require_once('SOAP/Client.php'); or require_once('SOAP/Server.php'); to call the pear soap module in the script depending on the script requirement.

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