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Tag Block - all tags in the same font size and I don't want them to be

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You can try and re-upload the blocktags.css file for the theme that you use, and see if that works. If you have the unzipped theme files on your local computer browse to /css/modules/blocktags/blocktags.css and upload the file to the root PrestaShop directory on your hosting account in the corresponding location (e.g. /themes/name_of_theme/css/modules/blocktags), overwritting the old file.


Clear the browser cache, and any other cache that you might have enabled, and reload the site to see whether that works.


If you have made any custom changes to the code of the old blocktags.css file, they will be overwritten by the new one.


Hope this helps.

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I had the same problem. I've just made some corrections to the module. It seems to me that it doesn't work for tags with more than 3 occurences (!!!)



in bloctags.php


I didn't find anything in Prestashop issue tracker though...


in blocktags.php, I modified hookLeftColumn() function.


the folowing 2 lines in the function

function hookLeftColumn($params){
 global $smarty;
 foreach ($tags AS &$tag)
$tag['class'] = 'tag_level'.($tag['times'] > BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL ? BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL : $tag['times']);


are replaced by:


foreach ($tags AS &$tag)
	if((int)$tag['times'] > $maxTimes)
		$maxTimes= (int)$tag['times'];
foreach ($tags AS &$tag)
	$classLvl= ceil( (int)$tag['times'] / $maxTimes *  BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL );			
	$tag['class'] = 'tag_level'.($classLvl);



You should have in your blocktags.css something like:


a.tag_level0 { font-size: 0.9em; color: #888 !important }
a.tag_level1 { font-size: 1em; color: #666 !important }
a.tag_level2 { font-size: 1.4em }
a.tag_level3 { font-size: 1.8em; font-weight: bold }


(don't forget to hook the module to the "Header of pages" hook)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your reply arvprod, and sorry for being late in getting back to you - I was on holiday.


A couple of questions:


1. Do I change anything to



2. You mention replacing certain lines, for me it looks slightly different. Do I replace this entire piece?


function hookLeftColumn($params)


global $smarty;

$tags = Tag::getMainTags((int)($params['cookie']->id_lang), (int)(Configuration::get('BLOCKTAGS_NBR')));

if (!sizeof($tags))

return false;

foreach ($tags AS &$tag)

$tag['class'] = 'tag_level'.($tag['times'] > BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL ? BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL : $tag['times']);

$smarty->assign('tags', $tags);


return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocktags.tpl');



3. How do I "hook the module to the "Header of pages" hook"? I have no idea what that means.


Thanks for your help!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, it took a while but the following fix from avprod worked:





foreach ($tags AS &$tag)

$tag['class'] = 'tag_level'.($tag['times'] > BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL ? BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL : $tag['times']);








foreach ($tags AS &$tag)


if((int)$tag['times'] > $maxTimes)


$maxTimes= (int)$tag['times'];



foreach ($tags AS &$tag)


$classLvl= ceil( (int)$tag['times'] / $maxTimes * BLOCKTAGS_MAX_LEVEL );

$tag['class'] = 'tag_level'.($classLvl);


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