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[SOLVED] Home and sub page images

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Have a couple of strange issues on a shop we are just completing ready for launch


on the home page the banner above the featured products seems to have a faded white area to the right of the image which you can write some information on to it through the font page module, but I would like to remove this totally and just have the banner shown - can someone please advise where this is done - http://www.shapelineuk.com/


Likewise on some of the shop pages, the same banner is appearing really small and I cannot see where to increase the size to fill the area example at http://www.shapelineuk.com/2-shape-wear


Any help is full appreciated



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Hi Mark,

I'm not familiar with this theme, but your first issue appears to be related to the Editorial Module. If you would like to make any changes, you will need to find that module and try to do the edits there.


As for the category image, this is due to the fact that the image you uploaded does not fit the default aspect ratio of 700 x 210. Therefore, it does not stretch to fill the entire box, as that would warp your image. You would need to upload an image that fits that aspect ratio in order for it to fill the entire box.


I hope this helps.



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