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Error when trying to install new themes

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I am trying to change my PS theme using the theme installer and uploading a zipped file from my comp.


I have tried 4 different themes - all 1.4 compatible and I get an error saying Error while extracting module (file may be corrupted). Of course nothing shows up under available themes either.


I have tried manually installing the themes by extracting the files and copying the folder into the themes directory. This does not work either.


Hope someone can help me, I have spent quite a few hours trying to solve this and I am getting nowhere!


thanks, marie

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Hello again!







I have now figured out how to install the themes manually by unzipping the download folder and copying last of the subfolders into the PS themes folder. I tried manually copying the modules folder into various places with no luck. Maybe there is something else I need to do as well?


My menu and slider modules dont seem to be working.




Can anyone help? current theme is cool putih...

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Killerthemes >> Yes, I realize that. But for some reason it is not working for me. I tried manually copying the modules folder into the PS modules folder. Theres A LOT of modules folders and I tried each and everyone with no luck. I have tried uploading the zipped modules folder via backend, but I get the same message as when I am trying to install a new theme: Error while extracting module (file may be corrupted).


jrotem >> I am able to see the themes when I unzip the themes folder and only upload the last of the folders instead of the whole themes folder. In my case COOL-PUTIH/themes/cool-putih! Make any sense? Although it does cause me some problems with the menu and stuff, but maybe thats something else...

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Modules belong in modules folder and themes in themes folder. You can install modules via backend in the modules tab by uploading the modules as zip file from your computer.


Ehm, sorry, but I thought templates can be bundled with modules and therefore these module go into the modules folder in the given theme and not in the main PS modules folder.

Amd I wrong?

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