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[Under review] IE 8 display



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Hi everyone,


By default IE is using the "quirks" mode on PrestaShop forum and the result is a broken page.


We are trying to understand why it does that and how to fix it!


Meanwhile, you can manually fix it by pressing F12 and changing Quirks mode to IE9 mode.



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If I change document mode from quirks to IE8 Standards the entire page disappears.

If I reload the page it shows for about a second just long enough to take a snap, as you can see the page is centered and layout of top menu is correct then it disappears again. (white screen)





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I agree there is something in the code that is causing this as it also happens on some new themes.

There are more users of IE then any other browser you would think the developers would develop for that.

I have had to switch to Chrome just to be able to use this forum, whats funny is that this is the only place I need it.

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There are 102 errors! A number of the errors are to do with the current doctype not supporting various things e.g. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements -- such as a "style" element in the "body" section instead of inside "head" -- or two elements that overlap (which is not allowed).


It seems that IE is not accepting that this is a strictly coded page as basically it isn't.

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  On 3/11/2012 at 4:55 PM, markb said:
There are 102 errors!

This does not mean anything


Google -> 34 Errors

Amazon -> 472 errors

Facebook -> 40 Errors

Twitter -> 2 Errors

Ebay -> 592 Errors

NY Times -> 366 Errors

White House -> 50 Errors (just on the website :)


W3C conformance errors and proper display of a web page in a browser are not mapped 1-to-1.


Don't take me wrong. I love web standards and compliance and I agree PS should have a properly working forum in whatever browser one uses. I am one of the first one to complain about this new forum. But for any sufficiently sophisticated web application (not web site) it is academic (or 10x development time and cost). I would rather prefer they spent the time in 1.4 bugs and getting 1.5 ready.


As I posted above it is most probably the comment before the doctype declaration throwing off IE. Use Chrome or Firefox if you are that bothered.

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This does not mean anything… But for any sufficiently sophisticated web application (not web site) it is academic (or 10x development time and cost)


It is always best to try and understand a problem to be able to fix it quickly and with least effort.


As I posted above it is most probably the comment before the doctype declaration throwing off IE. Use Chrome or Firefox if you are that bothered.


I would imagine that the comment before the doctype declaration is not there by accident: I'm quite sure the Prestashop team are suffciently knowledgeable not to make such a basic mistake. My guess is that the comment was probably put there on purpose as without it the page would simply break and white screen. By placing the comment here IE8 & 9 simply assume there is no doctype and render the site using quirks mode.


One quick fix for getting around the fact that the code is not xml as stated in the third line of code:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">


which as I stated is then incorrectly parsed by IE8 & 9 as it is NOT valid (and these browsers are more sensitive than gecko types and previous IE's) is to

ask these browsers to render the site using the IE7 render engine.

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">


Below are 2 links:


test1.html This simply has the comment removed - and will white screen.


test2.html This has the suggested fix applied and should display the page a little better.


Also, the page is generating a javascript error in IE again this is probably because of more sensitivty to this type of error rather than gecko type browsers. IE seems to think there is an extra comma (at the end of a list of variables or arguments - where the last one was probably deleted, but the separating comma left).


no-conflict.php?url=libs%2Fmin%2F%3Fb%3Djs%26f%3Dmain.js%2Chandler.js%2Cjquery.easing.1.3.js%2Cjquery.colorbox-min.js%2Cjquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js%2Csearch.js&allow_cdn=0, line 200 character 47


return{label:item.name,value:item.name[spam-filter]));} , here I think) });},minLength:3,open:function(e,ui)


return{label:item.name,value:item.name[spam-filter]));},});},minLength:3,open:function(e,ui){var acData=$(this).data('autocomplete'),styledTerm=termTemplate.replace('%s',acData.term);acData.menu.element.find('li a').each(function(){var me=$(this);me.html(me.text().replace(acData.term,styledTerm));});[spam-filter]);});});


The best long term solution remains correcting site validation errors wherever possible.


p.s. I was simply responding to the request by the Prestashop Team


We are trying to understand why it does that and how to fix it!
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  On 3/29/2012 at 4:04 PM, bert240 said:

I have the same problem, I would like to know where to make this change to fix, thanks

There is nothing you can change (code-wise) to correct. It is the forum that needs to be fixed. You can use a different browser for the forums until it is fixed, if ever.

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I've been getting blank white pages in IE9 ... if I try compatibility mode, I see the page just briefly before it is replaced by a blank white screen.


As suggested, I use F12 to bring up the developer tools and switch from Quirks Mode to Internet Explorer 9 page standards ... after which I can view the page.


Obviously, this is a pain in the neck - so to try and be helpful I tried the following:


1. I saved the page source code to my PC.


2. I double-clicked to open in IE9 - it shows as a blank white page rendered in Quirks mode and I can fix as I detailed above.


3. I removed the comment that is above the doctype declaration and then once again double-clicked to open in IE9


4. It opens in IE9 rendered in Internet Explorer 9 page standards as expected (doesn't look quite right, but I'm assuming it is not finding stylesheets)


... so it looks like all this could be down to that comment above the doctype (as suggested by phrasespot).


Surely it can't be too hard to fix the forum template to get rid of this comment? Looks like it would at least fix the worst of the problems with this forum.


(I'd offer to have a look myself, but I am up against tight deadlines at the moment ... but if it is still broken when my workload is clearer, I'd be happy to give a little something back by seeing if I can help :-)

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Further to my previous post ... I've just played around with the page I saved a little further.


The initial comment is definitely forcing IE9 into Quirks mode and should be removed (I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that it is invalid HTML/XML to have anything before the DOCTYPE declaration - my memory and w3schools.com seem to back this up).


However, whilst I get a nicely rendered page in IE9 when opening my local copy ... if I click the pop-up to allow blocked content (Javascript), the page blanks out again.


Looks like there may be a problem with one or more of the scripts that are running on the forum ...


I hope this is helpful ...

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  On 4/18/2012 at 9:27 AM, Patric Codron said:

Hi all,

Do you still encounter problems using IE8?


Page display briefly flashes before turning blank with the JS error


Webpage error details


Message: 'nodeType' is null or not an object

Line: 11

Char: 10398

Code: 0

URI: http://www.prestashop.com/libs/no-conflict.php?url=libs%2Fmin%2F%3Fb%3Djs%26f%3Dmain.js%2Chandler.js%2Cjquery.easing.1.3.js%2Cjquery.colorbox-min.js%2Cjquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js%2Csearch.js&allow_cdn=0

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  On 10/2/2012 at 3:30 AM, tdr170 said:

In IE8 no page appears at all just a blank white screen and page default shows as quirks mode.


Thanks tdr170,


1/ Do you notice a Javascript error or something which could help us to understand the origin of that problem?

2/ Does the problem occur when you are logged out from the forum?



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This is the error I receive at the bottom of the page next to done.



Webpage error details


User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Timestamp: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 21:18:44 UTC



Message: 'nodeType' is null or not an object

Line: 11

Char: 10398

Code: 0

URI: http://www.prestashop.com//libs/no-conflict.php?url=libs%2Fmin%2F%3Fb%3Djs%26f%3Dmain.js%2Chandler.js%2Cjquery.easing.1.3.js%2Cjquery.colorbox-min.js%2Cjquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js%2Csearch.js&allow_cdn=1



Message: 'nodeType' is null or not an object

Line: 11

Char: 10398

Code: 0

URI: http://www.prestashop.com//libs/no-conflict.php?url=libs%2Fmin%2F%3Fb%3Djs%26f%3Dmain.js%2Chandler.js%2Cjquery.easing.1.3.js%2Cjquery.colorbox-min.js%2Cjquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js%2Csearch.js&allow_cdn=1


I can not log in or out as I can not access the page with IE.

I did delete all cookies, history and temp internet files with the same results.

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