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Changing the featured products block for noobs

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Ok so I'm really new to all this stuff and figuring things out slowly but surely, but I need some help with this.


I'm using the Matrice template verison 1.4


This is what the template looks like, the red rectangle is around the 'featured products' area, I want to change this area to a regular section of pictures




What I want is three slightly larger pictures than the featured pictures now which will link to different parts of the website e.g 'Contact Us' etc.


where is an example of what I mean :-




I would be hugely greatful for any help, thanks!

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Hi Kcwilde,

You won't be able to do this with the default Featured Products block. Featured Products grabs any products in your catalog that have Home selected as one of the categories. You will need to either find an existing module or get one custom coded in order to provide that sort of functionality.



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