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Your feedback on the new site/forum

Carl Favre


Hi everyone,


As you can see many changes happened last night. We now have a brand new site and forum.


We have tried to enhance the browsing experience and we have organized all the information in a more efficient way. So we hope you will appreciate the changes.


Do not hesitate to tell us what you think about it !


And if by any chance you find some nasty bugs that have not been eradicated yet, please just tell us so we can call the bugbusters team !

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61 answers to this question

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Cannot see a link to my old posts or threads. Also, the email sent out when someone comments on a post you are following is in french.


For example like this

Carl Favre a répondu dans le sujet Prestashop 1.5 Beta 3 available



And like others mentioned, cannot see a way to edit a post.

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  On 2/15/2012 at 12:40 PM, indus said:

Smart forum software. It assumes i am replying to the same question. :)


I think the edit button can be fixed then with some kind of autorefresh post adjustment.


Nothing much, just the edit button is missing. Everything else is the same.


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Far too many graphics, colors, and blank canvas, and not enough surface for writing. In a forum the only thing of importance is the post's content. Compare the ratio of actual point of interest (highlighted with red border) and the rest (clutter) in this screen capture. It may be sufferable on the main website where you are trying to market something to general public but all this Web 2.0 diarrhoea/ Duplo interface has absolutely no place where technical discussion are made. Pretty (debatable) does not make it more efficient, or easier to browse/use.

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  On 2/15/2012 at 1:14 PM, phrasespot said:

......not enough surface for writing. ... does not make it more efficient, or easier to browse/use.

I concur with phrasespot. You should fix the forum so the posts scale to a reasonable content of the screen width. I'd be happy with 80%. I am looking and writing this post on a wide screen monitor with the window set to full screen. The left 55% of the screen has useable forum content. The right 45% of the screen has useless off white color with nothing displayed. The setup now makes it more difficult to easily scroll through and read important information.

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The new graphics is nice, though it's a lot less readable and comfortable than the previous one. Too much white in the forums, little portion of the screen is used.

That should be fixed imo (maybe darker background would help, right now post names get confused one another)

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you guys should have tested the whole thing before putting it online and its a mess the addons account i cant retirive my money and a module i am uploading hows it has uploaded a module but when you say submit it still says upload a module. you are guys are earning interest on my money that is not fair. lots of spelling mistakes please give me an email so send you snapshots of the faults in your website

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  On 2/15/2012 at 6:18 PM, Aldeag said:
And I don´t like the new quote system: the quoted text mixes with its answer and not apart into a rectangle as it was before.


Well, you do not see any rectangle when you quote someone?


  On 2/15/2012 at 7:22 PM, Exotic Express said:
When we select a language like french, menus are still in english. Some pages also.


You are talking about the forum right?

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It would be nice we knew more about the module update process on addons. It is really nice to see so many improvements, especially that the module update and description are seperated. But what exactly is the process when we upload a module? It looks like there is now a version history, but I don't see it. Are the older versions of the modules now kept to be available to customers?

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I seem to be having the same viewing problem as Lettersets. When viewed in IE the headings, Discover, Community, Resources etc are showing at the left of the screen vertically and all text boxes are lined up against left hand side of screen. When viewed in Firefox everything is centred on the screen with headings showing horizontally.


Apart from the above comment my first impression on the new format is that it is quite good.

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I like the new look, especially the main site, the 1.5 roadmap is my favourite feature so i can see what is going on. I can make a reasonable guess when the next version is out. Also all the extra resources are brilliant.


Maybe more blog posts on the progress of the next version would be cool, but not important.


In my profile for this forum, The 'Topics' and 'Posts' list article titles are really big so please could you reduce the font size for these.


Otherwise a very positive change



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Yeah, about seller's account is full of bugs. I'm unable to submit some languages because it just keep returning errors that i'm not filled all fields but i did.

Also i think it is unfair Template Monster's themes to get online without approval and review process and others have to wait..


When you submit a theme when it is approved your theme is shown as new, however if you wait 5-10 days for approval you loose 5-10 days to show your theme as new because when they appear the date count as when theme is submitted not the date when is approved.. And this is unfair between Template Monster's themes and other contributors themes.


Also i don't think approval for themes and modules wait time should be more then 2-3 days at maximum like in themeforest on average take hours, in PrestaShop sometimes takes 2-3 weeks which is very slow.

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also agree with Deniss13.

And I'm looking to the themeforest marketplace, and I see that rating encourages developers to do really cool themes. I do not have an incentive to make best themes, as when the themes disappears from the front pages, also disappearing them sales.

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What do you think about this Presta Team?

  On 2/26/2012 at 3:30 PM, Marek Mnishek said:

also agree with Deniss13.

And I'm looking to the themeforest marketplace, and I see that rating encourages developers to do really cool themes. I do not have an incentive to make best themes, as when the themes disappears from the front pages, also disappearing them sales.

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It may be sufferable on the main website where you are trying to market something to general public but all this Web 2.0 diarrhoea/ Duplo interface has absolutely no place where technical discussion are made.


I have to agree with phrasespot about the forums. Although I like the color scheme, the structure and excess graphics makes it way less readable.


I'd say avatars on forum/subforum pages are useless and make the threads lists look bloated (screenshot 1). Avatars inside threads - yes, outside - no way, the nickname is enough.


Also the main forums page is totally indescriptive since the most important part (forums list) is stuffed in one part of the screen. In this situation, recent posts sidebar that takes that much space is totally useless, please stretch the forums list instead (screenshot 2).


Forums don't need to be pretty, they need to be simple, easy and comfortable to read.



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  On 2/27/2012 at 9:16 AM, Carl Favre said:

Hi Dreamtheme and indus,


The issue has just been fixed.


The problem exists once again. I checked today. Also, www.prestashop.com/forum redirects to ...../forums , notice the plural. www.prestashop.com/forums does not resolve properly and redirects to dev.prestashop.com which never finishes.

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  On 2/28/2012 at 12:17 PM, indus said:

The problem exists once again. I checked today. Also, www.prestashop.com/forum redirects to ...../forums , notice the plural. www.prestashop.com/forums does not resolve properly and redirects to dev.prestashop.com which never finishes.


It's fixed, try to clear your browser cache.

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The forum is not working for me in IE8 when I'm logged in.


When I visit a url of the forum it shows me the page for a second and then it jumps to a blank page. This only happens when I'm logged in.


I have version IE 8.0.7600

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  On 5/19/2012 at 7:51 AM, lettersets said:

The forum is not working for me in IE8 when I'm logged in.


When I visit a url of the forum it shows me the page for a second and then it jumps to a blank page. This only happens when I'm logged in.


I have version IE 8.0.7600


Hi lettersets,


Thank you for your feedback.

This is a known issue. But I did not know it only happens when loggued in. This is interesting and I hope it will help the dev team to solve the problem.



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