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Random order number

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I miss a random order number in presta. This number should be shown to customers even if admin has the real order numbers.

This is very important for any business. Can you imagine how easily can any people check out the orders you have realized in your online business??.

I am really concerned about this info getting in anybody's hands as easily as placing an order.

Community will appreciate some way to fix this.


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You don't have to worry about customers accessing other customer's orders just by knowing the order number. PrestaShop checks that the currently-logged-in customers ID matches the customer ID on the order before displaying the invoice.

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It's not about other people seeing other peoples orders. But about how many orders have been made. I would not like my customers to know how many orders I process. It could use some letters of their surname and a random 6 digit number then it would be very random

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Is any solution? or maybe can we change numbers in orders to letters?
example: order 0001 -> aaab
0124-> abce

or every day new count:
001 order 15 of march 1503001
003 order 1 of december 0112003
so customer will now only how much orders was today.

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