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Thickbox problem

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I have problems with thickbox on product page.


Problem description:

When click on product image screen become darker, but popup is not appeared.

The only small square appears in the left top corner of the screen.

I tried to switch off all CCC options, but problem exists anyway.

Problem exist with Thickbox and with jQZoom


Product page direct link for example http://www.klimat-pr...-fsv1-09hr.html


After some time I realized that it is lavalamp menu block, that creates an issue. When I disable lavalamp menu, thickbox issue disappears.

Can anybody help me to make both blocks to work together?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you help me to fix this problem?

I suppose that I need to fix not cached js file, but the other one. I found "specialEasing" in \www\js\jquery\jquery-1.4.4.min.js

But I'm not good in java and don't know what to do.



Line 149: "inline")this.style.display="inline-block";else{this.style.display="inline";this.style.zoom=1}else this.style.display="inline-block"}if(c.isArray(a[l])){(h.specialEasing=h.specialEasing||{})[l]=a[l][1];a[l]=a[l][0][spam-filter]if(h.overflow!=null)this.style.overflow="hidden";h.curAnim=c.extend({},a);c.each(a,function(A,C){var J=new c.fx(x,h,A);if(vb.test©)J[C==="toggle"?o?"show":"hide":C](a);else{var w=wb.exec©,I=J.cur()||0;if(w){var L=parseFloat(w[2]),g=w[3]||"px";if(g!=="px"){c.style(x,A,(L||1)+g);I=(L||

Line 155: this.options.show)for(var l in this.options.curAnim)c.style(this.elem,l,this.options.orig[l]);this.options.complete.call(this.elem)}return false}else{a=b-this.startTime;this.state=a/this.options.duration;b=this.options.easing||(c.easing.swing?"swing":"linear");this.pos=c.easing[this.options.specialEasing&&this.options.specialEasing[this.prop]||b](this.state,a,0,1,this.options.duration);this.now=this.start+(this.end-this.start)*this.pos;this.update()}return true[spam-filter];c.extend(c.fx,{tick:function(){for(var a=

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not yet. I switched off all cache to work with source files.


then I got error

Error: jQuery.easing[specialEasing || defaultEasing] is not a function

Source File: http://www.klimat-prestige.ru/js/jquery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js

Line: 6728


here is this line, but I don't know what to change here

this.pos = jQuery.easing[specialEasing || defaultEasing](this.state, n, 0, 1, this.options.duration);

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There is jquery easing 1.1 version of this plugin included one more time within Lavalamp menu module.


<script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://www.klimat-prestige.ru/modules/blockmenulavalamp/js/jquery.easing.min.js"]/modules/blockmenulavalamp/js/jquery.easing.min.js[/url]"></script>


Try to remove include of this script in lavalamp menu module.

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