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(Fixed)Specific price for a group doesnot work and prices with taxes

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I have a product with no combinations/declinations, is a standard product and 3 customer groups (default,enterprise,non-enterprise)


I want to create a specific price for enterprise customers, "(all currency, all countries, enterprise)" with a reduction of 10% (just for that product)


but it does not work, only works for default group. My priorities are "Group>Currency>Country", I also tested "Group>Group>Group" and "Country>Currency>Group"


The customer is logged and on the group "enterprise".




Another problem that I have, is that the "default group" needs to see the prices with taxes included, but enterprise customers don't. An enterprise customer is on default and enterprise group, but the prices still are with taxes. I deleted them from the default group but still the prices are with taxes. I re-sign the customer but the prices are still with taxes.


Thank you.




I'm sorry. The forum help as psychologist, I forgot to set the default group for a the user. Also I'm so tired, I'm sorry again.


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How did you solve this? I have the same setup, Customer is assigned to a group X, I created specific price only for group X, and it still does not change the price for that customer. I have the same Priorities: Group>Currency>Country. (Currency and country= all)



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