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[SOLVED] Import files

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I want to copy all the files from one domain to a new one. I suppose that for that I have to use FileZilla, but recently I installed Prestashop on the new page (so it's new and doesn't have anything in it). To copy all the files from my other domain to the new one, do I have to erase all the files that I just installed of Prestashop or do I have to just copy it without erasing anything (and without any problems). Please I really need the help, I need to put the new page running.


Att. Julio Espinal

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But would it erase the access to my old site? I ask, because this morning, whenever I changed something in the back office of my new site, it changed in the old one.


This is because the current file still points to your old site. If you're only changing it on the new site, it should break that connection and instead connect it to the new site. Regardless, it's a good idea to back everything up just in case (as with any changes), but that should take care of it for you.



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Right now it does the same, but the other way around. When typing the old site it redirects me to my new site. It doesn't keep them separated. I was thinking it could be that the settings.inc.php are the same, 'cause when I changed those this morning I didn't have access to all the products that are in my old shop.

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I read and entered to the cPanel, and I noticed that the in my new domain I have the two databases (the one I copied from the old site to the new one and the one which was created when I previously installed prestashop in my new domain). Could these be the cause of my old site still redirecting to my new one?

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I read and entered to the cPanel, and I noticed that the in my new domain I have the two databases (the one I copied from the old site to the new one and the one which was created when I previously installed prestashop in my new domain). Could these be the cause of my old site still redirecting to my new one?


Hi Julio,

We've just put together a brand new guide on this topic, if you follow all the directions here you should be able to resolve this pretty easily.



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I'm sorry... I meant two types of data in my new domain database. One starting in bc_ (which is the one I coppied from my old domain) and one starting in ps_ (which I suppose that it is the one which was created when i accidently installed prestashop instead of copying the data from my old site to my new site).


I'll take a look to that guide.

Thanks Mike.

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Maybe this will help:


1) Take a Zip file backup of all the files on your existing site.

2) Export the database of your existing site into an SQL file.

3) Go to your new site, import and open up the zip file.

4) Create a new MYSQL database (most web hosts will have a MYSQL Wizard in CPanel to walk you through this)

5) In your newly created site find the file "settings.inc.php" [i think it was in a folder called "config". You might need to check]

6) Download the "settings.inc.php" file and update the information so that it contains the name of your newly created database from step 4, the name of the database user and the password. Save the file and upload it back to the new site, overriding the existing settings file of course.

7) Now the important part. Open up the new database and import the sql file from step 2 into it. Then find the "ps_configuration" table.

You need to manually amend the database record values for PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL and possible PS_BASE_URI if you have been hosting in a development subdomain. Just make sure all the new values reflect your new domain and/or subdirectory.

8) Almost there. Find the .htaccess file in your new site and change the permissions to 777. Not sure if this is strictly necessary. Some people say to do it. After you have finished you should change back to 644 I think.

9) Now. You MAY have to type the login url directly into your browser, something like www.mynewdomain.com/admin . Then enter the same username/password combination you have always used to enter the site.

10) In the admin section go to Tools / Generators and regenerate your .htaccess file. I believe this recreates your new friendly urls and overides any old urls.


You should be golden !


One gotcha I had was that when I typed in the url of the new homepage into my Firefox browser it kept getting directed back to my old site.

To fix this I opened up the browser preferences and deleted any cookies relating to the old site. Then it worked fine. Just beware of that.

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TW Design, I followed every single step you wrote and that solved it! I made it! The last time I couldn't do it, it supposedly was an error in the connection to the database, so I had to do a backup of everything again and then do your steps! Thanks again!


I also want to thank you Mike for all your help!

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