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How to diable EAN13 check


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I want to diable the EAN13 validation check because I use the foeld for another code. I comment out the EAN13 in classes/product, so I fillin the other format code. But when I want to create a creditnote I still get an error because of the wrong format in the EAN13 field:


Fatal error (OrderDetail -> product_ean13 = A207035500)


Where is this check hidden?

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Revert the change you made and modify Validate class (/classes/Validate.php) isEan13() method to return true for the particular format you are using. e.g. '/^A\d{9}$/' for the example in your post. Or even better override the Validate class isEan13() method and drop it in /override/classes/ directory so updates will not effect the modification.

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