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Speed, speed and speed

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I have two wishes for improving the speed experience with Prestashop.


My first wish would be to implement optimizations. Many shops have one country, one language, one class of visitors, etc. Yet the database is organized for people who have more than one and that means that for those people there are a lot of superfluous database queries. Many webshop owners and their programmers spend lots of time deleting such queries in an effort to improve the speed of their shop. Maybe we can circumvent that by enabling people to write such entries in an old-fashioned configuration file.


My other wish concerns the measurement of the speed of database queries. I have spent a lot of time trying to find out the best way to get those data from Prestashop and I still don't have any. Yet it should be rather easy to build it into PS so that such measurement can be switched on and off with a simple checkbox.

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Hi, I run PS 1-5 beta on dedicated server with all the optimizations I could do (like memcache, fast sql engine, 2 x 4 cores 3.4GHz cpu, 16Gb RMA). I wonder how fast the shop will perform when I put about 1000 items, with a lot of pictures, many languages, currencies, a bunch of extra modules, 3-4 shops and 2-3 warehouses/stocks. This is what I will need to use PS...


What I'm very interested in is if there can be done more optimizations for DB ? My experience from Ms SQL webshops are that DB indexing can do really huge differences. Also Stored Procedures offers big performance gains in my case.


Maybe there is some more ways for us with own servers to do more ? I hope PS team can offer us some clues, do you hear this PS team ? :)


Would be great if other "power useres" can share their experiences and tricks here. Both hardware and software.

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Hello Musicmaster and Paul,

our team is currently working on a PrestaShop based project counting ~2 000 000+ EANs, based on my personal experience having such inventory the biggest bottleneck under high load is the persistence layer (mainly MySQL)


At the moment we resolve the issue applying the following approaches:

1. - tables sharding (it is empirically proved MySQL performance drops dramatically when actively used tables reach 500 000+ entries), sharding tables is a great performance improvement here.

2. - master-slave replication including splitting READs and WRITEs to N x Slaves and 1 x Master


Currently we are proceeding with RC review of our modules which will cover these two approaches above.


Anyway, would greatly appreciate letting me know if this helps to boost the SPEED of your prestashop store.

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