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Template functions (Smarty) reference guide

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(if you don't what to annoy yourself reading noob things, please go forward to bold red text :P )


I'm new on PS template things. I would like to modify a template, so I was investigating about that. I see that in tpl files, we can find code like this:


{if $category->description}
<div class="cat_desc">{$category->description}</div>


or this


{if $nb_products == 1}{l s='There is'}{else}{l s='There are'}{/if}
{if $nb_products == 1}{l s='product.'}{else}{l s='products.'}{/if}


Ok... I was searching on google and this forum and all info I can got is that Prestashop is using a template engine called Smarty, that simplifies the template things. All I see is a pseudo-php code, for example I can print the current category description just adding {$category->description}, or I can do a foreach of subcategories just writting {foreach from=$subcategories item=subcategory} .... {/foreach}.


My question is: Where can I found documentation about functions supported in templates? Is there any CHM or Guide with all functions, data that I can obtain, etc? I got Smarty functions reference, so I know how to if, foreach, for, etc, but I don't know where can I get information or documentation about prestashop values that I can use, for example... how can I check it a file exist??


Thank you in advance for your help.

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