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How to configure the final confirmation page with customer data, cart summary, carrier and payment ?

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I have already configured all the shop and all goes right, and now for finishing the only thing left is that when I go to checkout, and enter my own data with name and adress, the choose the shipping and then choose the payment, I go to the final page where I have to confirm my order and so this is the final step.


BUT THERE IS A VERY BIG PROBLEM (at least for me) in that final confirmation page, the only thing that appears before hitting the "confirm order" is ONLY the payment method and the total price to pay, that is all, nothing more.


Please I would like that at this final page would ALSO be included the following:


So I would like to include in the final page before confirm the order the following data



1 - Show the customer data entered and given in the one page checkout with name and adress so the client can be sure, safe and feel that all is right about the data given for his order to arrive right to where he wants it to arrive.


2 - Show the full cart summary with all the products that are included in the order with the total order and showing the shipping price.


3 - Show the Carrier selected


4 - Show the payment method selected


So having this 4 data gives confidence in the end page, ensures and convinces the customer that everything is right and can without any problem click on the "confirm" button to make the order


How can a customer be confident and be sure that his order is absolutely correct and that all his data has been collected and recorder right and he has choosen the right carrier ?


I have seen that this also happen on many other already live shops




I have found that the final page does not depend on the checkout of prestashop, it depends totally on the Payment module choosen (please tell me if I am wrong)


I have found now this very interesting thread in the Prestashop forums that explains this very well and you have to add the summary cart and other data YOURSELF modifying the TPL files




Well I have tried it myself, and it worked in some way, BUT the summary cart was not shown right and could not show the customer data and carrier.


Please could anyone be so kind to help me with this and be able to modify the payments modules to be able to include the customer data, cart summary, carrier choosen, payment choosen and the total amount to be paid ?


This happens the same on all the payment modules I have tried


Thanks very much for your help


Kindest regards

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This thread is more that a year old, but I can partially help for people using v.1.5:


To display the cart on the bank wire summary page, I inserted a new hook following this method:




(The tutorial says that you don't have to, but I had to manually add the hook to the database).


I then made a copy of blockcart.tpl (named it blockcart2.tpl).


Following this, I inserted the code below before the last } of blockcart.php


public function hookDisplayMyNewHook($params) {


if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE'))



// @todo this variable seems not used

$this->smarty->assign('order_page', strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'order') !== false);


return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockcart2.tpl');




You can then modify blockcart2.tpl to suit your needs.


I haven't tried to display the other information (carrier, address, etc), but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work using the same method.


Good luck!!

Edited by praneth (see edit history)
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