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Image Map Pictures Disapear

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When I make an image map it seems fine and I save it but when it displays on the category page the map is there (i.e. the links and rollovers) but the actual picture is missing. However, the thumbnail does display.


If I go back to edit the map the image and map have disappeared completely.


This only seems to happen when I choose to use a separate image for the thumbnail.


There is another annoying problem I keep having with the mapping of the image maps. This is that I make out the active areas and allocate links. They save and work fine on the category page (this is when I have not tried to use a different picture as a thumbnail). However, if I go to edit the image map all of the active areas have disappeared.


Please help.

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There were 2 problems I identified.


1. I can make the image map OK and save it but if I use a different image file for the thumbnail the map appears (as do the rollovers) on the category page but the image is missing. When I go back to edit the map the image and the map have disapeared so that only the 'image map name' field remains filled.


No error messages seem to be generated during this process.


2. I can make and image map and it displays fine. However, if I go back to edit it the image is there but the map has disappeared. I have discovered that this only happens when there is an apostrophe in the product title linked to any part of the map, eg Men's T-shirt.


It generated the following two errors:



Error: missing ) after argument list

Source File: http://www.captaingrooviss.co.uk/shop-folder/admin-folder-name/index.php?ab=AdminScenes&id_scene=8&updatescene&token=08a89d00b839fb530c92548ea0fbd46a

Line: 173, Column: 44

Source Code:

startingData[0] = new Array('7% Proof - Men's T-Shirts', 10, 173, 11, 151, 184);startingData[1] = new Array('7% Proof - Hoodies', 25, 12, 11, 145, 187);


i.e. it does not seem to escape the ' in Men's and so thinks there is a bracket missing.



Error: startingData is not defined

Source File: http://www.captaingrooviss.co.uk/shop-folder/js/admin-scene-cropping.js

Line: 193

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