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[SOLVED] web-optimizer help

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I had checked all the easy optimization, compression tips I've found here, and my site was still slow so I followed a link from this forum and installed web-optimizer. Everything seemed fine until the very end of installation and I clicked "enable web-optimizer". After that, all I get from my site is 500 errors.


I'm using Prestashop and still building my new site in a subdirectory of the current old site.

The broken prestashop new site is at http://www.ecg.com/new/


I'm on a vps at hostgator. I'm using the latest free version of web-optimizer and I couldn't find any issue in their troubleshooting that applied; I've enabled writability on the various files, etc. If anyone is using this and has an answer, I would appreciate it. I've got a site backup that's two weeks old. Of course the current new site is still there via ftp, but I'm not sure what web-optimizer changed at this point. Thx.

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I at least got my site working again by restoring the old .htaccess and turning off the the compress options in config.webo.php.


As far as the slow site I'm building, www.ecg.com/new/ , it's got about a 2 second lag every time you click a link. Not too bad except that my other site,www.custombelt.com/ loads very quickly.


On the google sitespeed test, ecg.com/new continually gives me high priority errors: Enable compression, Inline Small CSS . The custombelt.com site has no high priority errors. I enabled all the ccc compression and generated optimized .htaccess on both sites. The site with the slowness is on a level 3 vps at hostgator with memcached installed (not currently enabled while I build), while the speedier site is on a cheap shared host at cloudweb.com. They have different templates....


I try to keep modules at a minimum on the slow site, and I've been checking the 2 or 3 third party modules I have installed with advice from the Pshop Performance guide at the great site, nethercottconstructions.com/ I'm using pshop on the slow site, on the custombelt.com site. I'm scratching my head. I had hoped that web-optimizer would solve the lag.

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Turns out my vps did not have gzip compression enabled. After I installed that I got rid of the google site speed complaints about no compression. I've tweaked a few more things, working on inline small css now. It's not where I want it yet, but at least I'm getting results and not wondering why the compression isn't working.

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