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SOLVED - Images Upload (products, categories, etc)

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Hi all, after many hours working with prestashop me one doubt and see if anyone knows a possible solution, see if I explain myself well, I have a picture of either a product, category, etc ... and the image has been created for example in photoshop or any image program, of course I think the image with the maximum I will use in the store for a product such as 600 px x 600 px, that image once created by the compress example weighs 50kb with any program or web and ends weighing 30kb without losing quality because it only has deleted junk code, until then everything perfect., now the problem I arises, I will create the product, select the image you've already compressed before and with the quality that I do before uploading the product weighs 30kb and upload the product once I realize it has increased the weight of the image for example 50kb or more the truth I do not remember when the increases but increases again ie no use to prepare an image with a quality and compression if the upload prestashop then increase the weight of the same image, well my question is, How can you make to only go up, cut to different sizes were used but that I did not modify the quality and much less I increase the weight of the image, you can grade the quality is crap but that part of prestashop, just want the rise as is the cree with the same weight and the same quality, if someone comes up with something I thank you, greetings and thank you very much.


To compress the image can be used smush.it of yahoo but I do not use, but using YSlow detect this problem with images before they are put to the product I said you had to compress and open the image I realized that no longer weighed the same as the one I had created and compressed above. Do the test that I comment and see what happens, make your image, compress it with yahoo or the program they want, it is up to the product and then you will see that now weighs much more than before, jajajajaa, ie a more of the nonsense of prestashop.

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