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Multiple categories / different menu on certains pages

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I'm creating a new shop and would like to have a different category menu on certain pages.


For example the shop will sell windows - and I'd like to have a category menu that only shows options relating to windows.


There would also be a section that sells doors and I'd like to have a category menu that only shows options for doors.


I've looked at the category module and I think its only possible to have a single menu that contains options for both.


Is there a module that will allow different categories to show depending on the page / section selected?


The other option I guess will be a Custom HTML Block module that allows me to create a menu by hand and paste it in, but I'd still need some way to switch the block on or off depending on the section selected - eg. window or doors


I'm aware of two FREE modules - Addstuff and Freeblock - but I don't think either of these allow you to choose when or when not to display the module.

I hope I've explained that clearly?? - Thanks in advance if someone knows of a solution


Best wishes



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