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Making link into text

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I am having a problem with Categories block. It is located on left side. I have added many several subcategories with a lot of products and it is working fine.

My problem is that the main heading for categories with the name "Categories" is a link that takes to page /home where You can also choose subcategories. But I want it to be just text and not a link (I don't want my customers to get to this page). I tried to modify already several files but it is still a link and not a text. Where should I make some changes? Thank You



Best wishes,

Still learner

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Go to modules/ blockcategories/blockcategories.tpl.


Edit the .tpl file and at the very top you will see:


<!-- Block categories module -->

<div id="categories_block_left" class="block">

<h4> <a href="{$link->getPageLink('categories.php')}" title="{l s='Category' mod='blockcategories'} ">{l s='Products' mod='blockcategories'} </a> </h4>


Delete the href reference and the link will be gone (red text).

I made this one up as my Category does not contain a link so your text within the href will be different.

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I am not using original theme, I have bought one from PS shop.


I did what tdr170 suggested. I opened file and deleted red part:


<!-- Block categories module -->

<div id="categories_block_left" class="block">

<h4><a href="{$blockCategTree.link}">{l s='Categories' mod='blockcategories'}</a></h4>

<div class="block_content">

<ul class="tree {if $isDhtml}dhtml{/if}">

{* Javascript moved here to fix bug #PSCFI-151 *}

<script type="text/javascript">

// <![CDATA[

// we hide the tree only if JavaScript is activated

$('div#categories_block_left ul.dhtml').hide();

// ]]>



But somehow the link will not go away. Do You have any other ideas what else to do? I am really stuck with this topic. Thank You

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Yes I did go to preferences / performance and chose force compile to yes.

Problem is with this link under force compile - Cache.

If I disable it the link (Categories) is text and everything is ok. As soon as I enable it (as suggested) the link (Categories) is back again.

I have made other changes also on the page but never had such strange problem before.

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Please post your web address so I may have a look.

Also clear all caches, both your browser and Prestashop and see if that helps.

I am racing this whole next week so be a little patient and I will do what I can to lend a hand with the limited time I have.

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