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Free delivery

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I need the box free delivery starts at the value set for each state a different value. How do I do?



Slovakia: € 111

Czech Republic: € 155



In administration, it is only set globally. I need for each State to set a different value ...

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If your installation is compatible, downlad and install this module (No longer available). Disclosure: module is built by me. There are other paid/free modules which claim finer grained shipping control.


In PrestaShop:

1- Create two user groups: 1-"Slovakia free shipping eligable" (A), 2-"Czech Republic free shipping eligable" (B) (Customers > Groups). Allow all categories, payment methods for new groups.

2- Create two carriers: 1-"Slovakia free shipping" (X), 2-"Czech Republic free shipping" (Y), specify: Billing = According to total price, Out-of-range behavior = disable carrier, Group access = A for X, B for Y only (Shipping > Carriers)

3- Create a price range for carrier X = 111-100,000 (Shipping > Price Ranges)

4- Create a price range for carrier Y = 155-100,000

5 - Assign relevant fees for each carrier (Shipping tab > Fees by carrier, geographical zone, and ranges)


In module configuration:

6- Create rule: if country is Slovakia = group A

7- Create rule: if country is Czech Republic = group B

Apply rules retrospectively if you want rules to apply to existing customers as well.


Now any customer with Slovakia or Czech Rep. address will be in groups A or B. When their cart goes over 111 and 155 respectivly carriers X and Y will appear in addition to other carriers you may have.

Edited by phrasespot (see edit history)
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