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Flat rate shipping not working HELP

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So I am trying to setup a shipping as follows, flat rate to canada X dollars, flat rate to USA Y dollars

I created a carrier, then i created a new zone to separate canada from the states in the north america zone. then i added the two zones to the carrier. then I created a rule for cost $1-$10000 for each zone as X and Y respectively.

status enabled for the carrier, apply shipping cost enabled for the carrier as outlined in the tutorial.

but when i try to checkout, it says There are no carriers available that deliver to this address.

this is true for 5 step checkout and one step checkout

i am running


any help would be great as I have spent the last 6 hours trying to fix this....

- Saphena

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If those are all of the steps you have taken it seems you have not set the actual price for your price ranges. To do this click on the shipping tab and scroll down to the bottom to Fees by carrier. Select your carrier in the drop down and set the fees. Click save.

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