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Language Problem!!

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I installed prestashop in my hosting server perfectly.
But have a problem.

When i click to change the other languge like french.
But I can't see in my prestashop page that french language.
Neither Korean, too.
So I removed all prestashop. and Installe again, again.. But it's same.
I try to use basic prestashop that has english and french.

In my laptop that installed apache.
Prestashop working perfectly. I can change language what i want to see.
But my hosting server, I can't.. Only I can see english when i clicked french.
and English language icon was activated also.

Enviroment of My hosting Server is..
Windows Server 2003 R2. IIS6 + FastCGI.

Someone can help me? Please!!!!!!


When I click other language icon on the hosting Server
Brower was written : http://www.mydomain.com/index.php?id_lang=2

But If it works correctly.(In my laptop for Test)
I can see other language and Brower was written : http://localhost/index.php

Maybe I think, prestashop can't redirect to other language page..
What I can do??

Help me.. Plz.... T.T

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