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Is there a way to add position exceptions to a module other than the exceptions field?


Right now I have:


new-products.php,orders.php,my-account.php,search.php,account.php,history.php,orde.php,product.php, cart.php, 404.php, address.php, authentication.php, best-sales.php, category.php, cms.php, contact-form.php, discount.php, history.php, prices-drop.php, product-sort, store.php, order-detail.php, order-confimation, order-confirmation, order-opc, password.php, pdf-invoice.php, prices-drop.php


There's gotta be a way to maybe just tell the program to appear at a certain page only.


I want the nivo slider to show only at index.php, right now I have it on Top of Pages only because if I add it to the homepage the it puts it right between columns as for Top of Pages it adds it to below the top menu.


site @ tivicr.com/tienda


Best Regards,



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Out of the box, there is no way to specify inclusions. Exceptions must be specified explicitly. Module author should make sure that a mdule that is not displayed in, say checkout page, should not load resources there, though that is very rarely done (at all?) as PS makes it very cumbersome to do it.

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