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Images not showing after CSV import

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Hi All,


I am not sure if I did this right (Probably not), I uploaded the images to the img/p directory. In the csv file I only put the image name.


Do I need to put the entire url in the csv or should PS generate them? I tried to generate them and it did nothing.




Dave G

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I've had this kind of problem and there was no way to make the images recognized, even with there complete url in the .CSV file.

I finaly resolved the problem by creating an img directory inside my admin directory and turned the images url in the CSV file this way: img/picture1.jpg

This way, it works !

Everything looks like the import .csv module use the admin directory as the root to localize uploaded images. :huh:

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I had same problem. But, I've noticed that in Admin panel images are showing correctly.

(I used Store Manager for importing .csv and images)


So I went to admin panel --> preferences --> images --> regenerate thumbnails.

After that everything works like a charm.


Images are stored in \img\p folder, and their names are created by Presta according to some rule (first letter of image is folder, then it separates the rest... everything in 4-5 sizes and so on)

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