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[SOLVED] how the search works

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Hi on front end when a customer searches for say "END1808as" they get a prodcut of ours come up.


now that product has the manufacture set to "endon" and supplier ref set to "1808as" but if they search "Endon 1808as" it says nothing is found, can i get the product search to also seach ref and manufacture?


Any input would be good

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Hi Mike


Thanks for that thats what im looking for but the "Search.php" from that thread gives me an error when adding new products now.

"Fatal error: Call to undefined method Tools::replaceAccentedChars() in /home/ablectri/public_html/classes/Search.php on line 452"


It does still add the product but always gives that error. other than that searching seems to work how i want need to do some more check but think its sorted other than the error.


we have PrestaShop™



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Hello Mike

I have the following situation: let's get for example product "Samsung E1081"


When I'm searching 'e1081', the results show that product, but when looking for '1081' - not.

How can I make it to search not only at the beginning of the word, but inside it

using prestashop 1.4.3



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