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Cannot upgrade module translations

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I have problems with modifying the (module) translations (in tools > translations). All module folders do have 755 permissions and the including files 644. I changed the config.ini.php so I get a more exact error message:


Warning: file_put_contents(/www/../../../shop/modules/authorizeaim/de.php) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /../../../../shop/admin/tabs/AdminTranslations.php on line 319


... and:


Kann die Sprachdateien im Themenordner nicht schreiben (/../../../../shop/modules/authorizeaim/de.php)

= Cannot write the language files in the theme folder




  // Set file_name in static var, this allow to open and wright the file just one time
	if (!isset($_cache_file[($is_default ? self::DEFAULT_THEME_NAME : $theme_name).'-'.$file_name]) )
		$str_write = '';
		$_cache_file[($is_default ? self::DEFAULT_THEME_NAME : $theme_name).'-'.$file_name] = true;
		if (!file_exists($file_name))

[note: this is line 319]

  file_put_contents($file_name, '');
		if (!is_writable($file_name))
			die ($this->l('Cannot write the theme\'s language file ').'('.$file_name.')'.$this->l('. Please check write permissions.'));



Can anybody help me?



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Could solve it: it was a problem with the permissions. For upgrading the translations, the system must be the owner of the module folder and its files. If this is the case, the ftp user isn't able to change the tpl files in the module folder anymore. So during the development process it can be necessary to redefine the owner several times.

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