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Problem with editing product features

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I can't seem to edit features for products, nor can I assign features to products. When I click on Features tab in the BO, I get my list of features, and I can click on each feature to see the different values for each feature. But when I click the edit button to change either the features or their values, or if I click to add a new feature or value, I get what's shown in the attachment (all tabs as usual, but no place to edit anything). Likewise when I go to edit features on product pages - I get all the tabs that are normally there, but no place to edit features.


The features still seem to work - I use Layered Navigation on the site and I can still filter by these features, but I just can't seem to edit them.


Is there a way to reset my features, or is this an issue with reading from my database? Is there a way to reconnect/refresh the info from the BO to the affected tables in the database? Or can I just reinstall something to correct this issue?


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So far my only solution was to create a new database...

  1. Create a new database through cPanel
  2. Export old database through phpMyAdmin
  3. Import old database into new database through phpMyAdmin
  4. Changed database info in back office

Everything seems to be working fine so far...we'll see how everything holds up as I add more things to the site...

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