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My site are in swedish lang. When i installed swedish on it i got som problems.

I used Home text editor to have som text on the front page, but now its says 404 site not found.

I have tested to change lang to eng, but nothing happens i just says the same 404 site not found.

Does some one know what to do for fix this problem??


And i have one more quastion.

On the page its says FÖRETAGET and its linked to http://usashop.thorsenbil.se/content/category/1-home'>http://usashop.thorsenbil.se/content/category/1-home but how can i unlink it??

Cas under FÖRETAGET its links already, and thats how i want to have it but not on FÖRETAGET.


http://usashop.thorsenbil.se its the link for the site in progress.


Hope some one can help me out


Have a good day.


I Attach a pitchure , maybe its easyier to understand. Cas my eng is not the best.




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When you add a new language, (assuming a 1.4 system) you should re-generate your .htaccess via preferences-->perfromance.


after you do this...then make SURE to clean your browser cache and cooked...(i.e. firefox/ie/chrome)...


as for your 2nd question....what is FÖRETAGET in english?

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