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[solved] Advanced pack 4

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I bought the Advanced Packs 4 module an I have some problems:


1. These 2 features aren’t available:

Full AJAX Mode» : Enables or disables the instant page loading

«Method to display pack page» : Choose pack display mode: «In a separate page» : Shows the packs in a dedicated page (I want to use this!)


2. Some attributes aren’t available from the FO. When I add a product with these attributes costumers can’t choose anything.


3. In some packs I have to add 20 products (plus others) that are the same, I don´t want them to be shown individually, how can I do that?


Please, I need an answer, I have to have the pack available by tomorrow!!!

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Sorry for the delay, we really are busy on support these last days. And sending mail twice doesn't make it easier for us to speed up the thing.


You first mail was sent at 2am (Paris time), at this time we use to get some sleep. We usually provide support within 24 hours, so please, be patient.


We answered your email 30 minutes ago by the way.


To answer your questions:


1. These 2 options have been removed long ago. I think the AJAX feature is still in the product description as we forgot to remove it. But I don't know where you got the "«In a separate page» : Shows the packs in a dedicated page ". This option is no longer provided with the module but we can activate it on your shop. This means you would lost the possibility to make update of the module.


2. We are going to need an access to your website as said in the mail we sent.


3. We recommend using a maximum of 10 products in packs. Otherwise you may get issue using the module. Hiding products from a pack is not something you can currently do with the module.



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The document I read to make the decision to buy give me those 2 choices. I download it from your product page, it is not actualized. I bought the module to make packs for 30 products, there was no explanation about the amount of products in the description of it. I'm really disappointing, this is not what I pay for!

I already sent what you ask me to, but if I´m not going to be able to use it for the packs I need I don´t want it (packs for 30 products) I want my money back!

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