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SEO meta tag info for home page

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Hi to everyone,

I was hoping that some one could to tell me how to edit the meta tag information on the home page. I know where to find the module to edit the home page but it doesn't give access to the meta info, Ive been able to do it on each individual product but not here. I'm a new comer to prestashop so I am hoping that its simply something Ive overlooked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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so that i don't open new topic:

is it possible to create such links (a list of produsts with links to more info) under footer in homeslide?
Please look at attachement.

I've heard that it improves SEO.


p.s: i've tried TABS MODULE, but it's not the same (maybe similar)


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I'm not sure how you could get a list of all products to display at the bottom of the page, but you could go to Preferences > Meta-tags, enter some product names as meta-keywords on index.php, then use the following code to add them to the bottom of your home page.

Add the following code at line 9 (before $smarty->display) in footer.php:

$smarty->assign('meta_tags', Tools::getMetaTags(intval($cookie->id_lang)));

Add the following to the bottom of footer.tpl in your theme directory, before </body>:

{if isset($meta_keywords) AND $meta_keywords AND $page_name == 'index'}

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