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Ship by postal code and weight

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Wondering if it is possible to establish a shipping by postal code and weight of the order.

I.e. when customer registers he indicates the postal-code.

When placing the order the freight is calculated by the weight of the order and the postal code destination.

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  • 7 months later...

Not w/o some twisted setup. there are some modules (free/paid) floating around claim to provide finer grained shipping control; a sorely missing feature in PS.


@phrasespot you are sorely missed on prestashop. It just isnt the same without you. But everybody has to make a living. Your experience and sharing nature were the highlights of prestashop and will be highly and rightly missed

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@phrasespot you are sorely missed on prestashop. It just isnt the same without you. But everybody has to make a living. Your experience and sharing nature were the highlights of prestashop and will be highly and rightly missed

Thanks. Still alive :), though with the problems forums having (no notification emails, cannot follow threads) it is triple the effort to find any post one replies to. So better not to than losing a thread half way through.Once PrestaShop guys get their act together and provide the community they say they care too much about with a forum working properly, I will be in full swing again.

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