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PHPer help please. how to seperate the currency and price in order.php

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:cheese: hi all,

in root/order.php, i want to pick out the individual values of currency and cart price. i just want the smarty file of shopping-cart.tpl to be able to quote this two values.

as in shopping-cart.tpl, there is a string: {convertPrice price=$total_price}, which quote the total cart amount in the form of "currency + price". i can find this definition code in line 370 of order.php. also attached here:

$smarty->assign(array('HOOK_PAYMENT' => Module::hookExecPayment(), 'total_price' => floatval($orderTotal)));

In order to get sole value of "currency" and "price" then quote them from shopping-cart.tpl, how can i mod order.php?

could any PHPer help me please? 8-/ highly appreciated!!!

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