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Change background colour in categories block

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I'm started few weeks ago in the prestashop's world. I'm stopped since last saturday trying to change the colours of the categories block. I want a different color for each category but I'only can change the backgound color of all the block.

Please, can anyone give me a hand? What I've to do?




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I've this code:

<div id="categories_block_left" class="block">



<div class="block_content">

<ul class="tree dynamized" style="display: block;">





<a title="" href="http://xxxxx/category.php?id_category=5">Paper</a>






<a title="" href="http://xxxxx/category.php?id_category=6">Estampació</a>








<a title="" href="http://xxxxx/category.php?id_category=8">Enquadernació</a>





<a title="" href="http://xxxxx/category.php?id_category=9">Abecedaris</a>


But I only have on rule for all the elements of the list:


#categories_block_left .tree a {



color: #374853;

padding-left: 0;


It's possible to make a rule for the first element, anoher for the second, ...?

Many thanks


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