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Anyway to add a message to Send a Friend Module


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If you want to add a completely new text about every product you will need to change first of all the product_lang table and add a new column to it, change AdminProducts.php and add the new property to the Products.php class. Then change the file sendtoafriend.php and include the new property of the class in the templateVars array. At last add the element to the mail file.


If it is enough to add the short description of the product, add "{short_description}" => $product->description_short to templateVars and place {short_description} in the mail file to the appropiate place.

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I suppose the_el_man want to place input or textarea into sendtofriend module form. If I'm right let us know or find productquestion module because that's the same module with different mail function configuration.


Yes this is correct. E.g. Click on "send to a friend" then write "hey XXX, check out this in black" or whatever. Does productquestion module do this then? or is there another?

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Hi again,


productquestion is very common to sendtofriend module, but in the first one you put your own e-mail and name in second one e-mail and name of your friend.

Anyway, you have to put in sendtofriend.tpl something like this:

<p class="textarea">

<label for="message">{l s='Message'}</label>

<textarea id="message" name="message">{if isset($message)}{$message|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}{/if}</textarea>



Then go to sendtofriend.php and find e-mail generation section and add to template vars:

'{message}' => ($_POST['message'])


Edit your mail template in modules\sendtofriend\mails\ and add {message} in place you want.


Let me know if it works.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,


I've been looking at this module as a sales enquiry form instead of a send to a friend module. Is there any way I could send to the sales team email address instead of it sending to a friend email?? any help in this would be most appreciated.


Kind Regards



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