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About your error, I am not a expert for all, did you report it on bug tracker?


About translation I think is called sql translate patch and as I remember I saw it only from english to czech - someone made it, I didn't do it.. Other language you have to try search yourself or maybe someone clever than me can reply for this.


But really. It is a few simply words. Catalog, customers, shipping, orders, add new product, preferences, etc... :huh:


/////////////////////////////// Copy of post from czech part of forum:

Je hotovej muj prvni pokus pocestovaciho SQL scriptu pro PS 1.4


testovano na verzi 1.4.014 s tim ze cestina ma ID 6 a je pocitano s prefixem tabulek ps_


Pokud nekdo mate jiny prefik nebo zadny je nutne jej v souboru zmenit nebo umazat ;-)


Instalace se provede v phpMyAdminu klasickym importem souboru, ktery nahradi nepocestene terminy.


Odezva je zadouci :-)


EDIT 2011.03.06

Nahran novy pocestivaci script pro RC6 2011.03.06 ve verzi RC6.01.lite


EDIT 2011.03.07

Strednik je svina :-) nahrana nova verze souboru (ponechavam i stare soubory - zatim - treba se budou nekomu hodit)


Attached File(s)

///////////////////////////////////// I am lazy to translate in - Google translator


It is finished yet my first attempt at English Czech's SQL script for PS 1.4


tested on version 1.4.014 with the fact that Czech has ID 6 and is calculated by taking the prefix tables ps_


If you have someone else prefik back or is it necessarily in a file or change dirty;-)


Installation is done in a classical phpMyAdmin import file, which will replace nepocestene terms.


The response is desirable :-)


EDIT 2011.03.06

Recorded a new script for the RC6 version 2011.03.06 RC6.01.lite


EDIT 2011.03.07

The semicolon is a bitch :-) uploaded a new version of the file (and I leave old files - so far - will be useful to someone)

Attached File (s)






Maybe it can help you. I didn't open that files so I don't know it is possible to update/edit it in for ex. Notepad.

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Raphael do you know when this 1.5 is final?


And where i can translate that admin panel is there folder somewhere where is that php file where i can translate because i was v1.4.6.2 version and i dont find there too that where can translate all admin panel so if someone know that please tell me that.


Thank You

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