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Downloadable files

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Hi Everyone!


I'm having a problem upload "downloadable" files to the server. My files are 30-45 minute audio files in .mp3 format. They are between 30-45MB in size.


I have modified my php.ini file with the following directives:

post_max_size = 50M

max_file_uploads = 50M

max_execution_time = 240

upload_max_filesize = 50M


On the product page, it states that my Max Upload files size is 50Mb (I also verified this with phpinfo();)


When I attach the file, it looks like it is going, but then the page displays an error message "This product is missing:



I have tried numerous times, even recreating the item with a different name, and I've tried upload different files (all in the same size range).


Is this a limitation of Prestashop?


We've been using Joomla/Virtuemart, but I'm just not happy with that. For everything else, and the other items we sell, Prestashop seems great, but if I can't upload large files, it's going to be a deal-breaker.


Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?




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Have you checked with your host that your account is set up to handle uploads of this size? I had to get them to increase my limit to do this. Usually P'shop reports the limit well, in your case it is 50mb as you say. But you should check anyway. There is also some issue with timeout that I don't know very much about. That is, the upload will shut down after x amount of time as detirmined by your host. So look into that too.

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